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Mobile, AL Truck Accidents Attorney

The port of Mobile is one of the nation’s busiest ports, with tens of millions of tons of cargo moving in and out of the port each year. Much of the incoming freight is loaded onto tractor-trailers and shipped across the length and breadth of the country on the major interstates of I-10 and I-65. While trucking is an important part of our local, state and national economy, it can also be a dangerous activity, and truck accidents can often have devastating consequences on the occupants of smaller, lighter passenger vehicles involved in a collision. Of the 7,322 truck crashes recorded in Alabama in 2014, nearly one-third ended in injury or death. The truth is that truck accidents are by and large preventable but happen due to negligence on the part of the truck driver or trucking company. The Law Office of Gary W. Fillingim, L.L.C. helps people in Mobile, Baldwin County and the Alabama Gulf Coast who have been injured in a truck accident recover the full amount of compensation for their injuries.

Alabama Truck Accident Facts

A fully loaded tractor-trailer weighs as much as 80,000 pounds, compared to 3,000-5,000 pounds for the average passenger vehicle. This disparity can spell disaster for the occupants of passenger vehicles, who are seriously injured in truck accidents far more often than the truck driver. These larger, heavier vehicles also require additional braking distance to respond to traffic conditions, but they do not always leave sufficient room to avoid a catastrophic collision in an emergency. Additionally, the size and shape of a semi-truck create extensive blind spots in front, behind and on both sides of the truck, extending for several car lengths and across several lanes. Responsible truckers will thoroughly check their blinds spots and signal their intentions before making any turns or lane changes, but this does not always happen. Nearly ten percent of the Alabama truck accidents recorded in 2014 were attributed to an unseen object, person or vehicle as the cause. Other leading causes of Alabama truck accidents included:

  • Misjudged stopping distance
  • Defective equipment (tires, brakes, signal lights)
  • Improper turn
  • Driving too fast for conditions
  • Fatigued/asleep at the wheel
  • Improper passing
  • Rolover accidents

As you can see, these main causes of Alabama truck accidents are due to truck driver error, or failure of the trucking company to repair and maintain their fleet in safe working order. Truckers are placed under enormous pressure to deliver their cargo as quickly as they can, but they should never sacrifice safety to meet these demands. At the Law Office of Gary W. Fillingim, we understand how to prepare a case that shows trucker and trucking company noncompliance with Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration standards, and other evidence of negligence, recklessness or aggressive driving that led to a serious accident. We build a strong case in order to facilitate a full and fair settlement that compensates our clients for the full amount of their damages. If a settlement cannot be reached, we are well-prepared to litigate the matter all the way to a jury trial and verdict to vindicate our clients’ rights.

Call Gary Fillingim for Help with Alabama Truck Accidents from an Experienced and Resourceful Mobile Personal Injury Attorney

Truck accident cases are often complex and defended by well-funded trucking companies and their insurers. Trust an attorney with more than two decades in personal injury practice and a record that includes recovering more than $10 million on behalf of injured clients. In Mobile, call the Law Office of Gary W. Fillingim, L.L.C. at 251-445-7257 for a free consultation on your claims.

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